- David Barton Lectures Pope Francis (Really)
- See What You've Done Now? You've Made Ted Cruz Angry
- Texas Home-School Lobby Group Misleads Parents as It Promotes the Culture Wars
- Redefining 'Religious Liberty' into Nothing?
- More Fear-Mongering from the Texas Renewal Project
- Clash of the Titans or the Loons?
Category Archives for Ten Commandments
The Voices in Dan Flynn’s Head
Dan Flynn, R-Van State Rep. Dan Flynn, R-Van, is of two (or three) minds when it comes to the role religion should play in American law and society. Warning: Do not try to reconcile these statements, all of which were made over the last five months. Flynn, on the urgent need to post the 10 commandments […]
Resolved: Texas Doesn’t Care about the Constitution
Moses State Rep. Phil Stephenson, R-Wharton In week full of religious liberty skirmishes at the Texas Capitol, we would be remiss if we did not flag the most ridiculous church-state proposal we’ve seen this session: HCR 58 by state Rep. Phil Stephenson, R-Wharton — a publicity stunt masquerading as a House Concurrent Resolution. The resolution concludes: […]
Department of Redundancies Department
We’ll give this to him: he’s persistent. On the first day (today) that lawmakers can file bills for the 2013 session of the Texas Legislature, state Rep. Dan Flynn, R-Van, has proposed a bill — House Bill 49 — requiring public high school students to take a course on the U.S. Constitution. Seems reasonable? Of […]
Most GOP Candidates for Texas Ed Board Support Teaching ‘Weaknesses’ of Evolution, Posting Ten Commandments in Public Schools
During the Texas State Board of Education‘s debate over science curriculum standards in 2008, supporters of sound science education succeeded in killing a provision that would have required students to learn creationism-inspired arguments about the “weaknesses” of evolution. But nine Republicans in state board races apparently will insist that new biology textbooks include those bogus […]
Bill Analysis: Ten Commandments in Schools
Because of the evolving body of case law and complicated constitutional issues surrounding the posting of the Ten Commandments in public spaces, TFN Insider asked one of the nation’s top First Amendment scholars, Steven Green, to take a look at state Rep. Dan Flynn’s problematic legislation promoting the Ten Commandments in Texas schools. Here is […]